Denon Reverse Engineering Help


From the SoundSwitch website:

Application Data

Path: /usr/SoundSwitch/SoundSwitch

Available in firmware for



Mixstream Pro

Mixstream Pro GO

❔ (Don't know how to extract firmware)

Mixstream Pro +

❔ (Don't know how to extract firmware)

Prime 2

Prime 4

Prime 4 Plus

❔ (Don't know how to extract firmware)

Prime Go

Prime Go Plus

❔ (Don't know how to extract firmware)


SC5000M (No Product Page)



SC Live 2

❔ (Don't know how to extract firmware)

SC Live 4

❔ (Don't know how to extract firmware)

Runtime Console Output

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/qt/lib:/usr/SoundSwitch/libraries:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} /usr/SoundSwitch/SoundSwitch

QIconvCodec::convertFromUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed QIconvCodec::convertToUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed "Running on JP11 (PrimeGo)" SoundSwitch version: QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root' Unable to set double buffer mode! (Invalid argument) [2024-10-11 11:32:18.435] [info] [main.cpp:364] Set log level to info ("QSQLITE") [11 Oct/24 11:32:18.452 -04:00] [thread 570] [MIDIManager.cpp:159] Private(): RtMidi version: 4.0.0, compiled api: ALSA, Jack [EDTLS_CLNT] Build info: RELWITHDEBINFO@: Use UUID for EnginePrimeController: {ffffffff-e9d9-45f0-b5ac-adab7819fa74} [11 Oct/24 11:32:18.656 -04:00] [thread 570] [EnginePrimeNet.cpp:119] AddNetworkAddress(): EnginePrimeHost::AddNetworkAddress: Running player mode: "All-in-one" activePlayerList active player: geometry: QRect(0,0 128x64) [11 Oct/24 11:32:18.764 -04:00] [thread 570] [SoundSwitchDocPrivate.cpp:761] operator()(): Using four deck: false OnUsePlayheadSmoothing: 0 qt.svg: Cannot open file ':/ui_img/hue/deviceBridgeV2.svg', because: No such file or directory qt.svg: Cannot open file ':/ui_img/hue/deviceBridgeV2.svg', because: No such file or directory QIODevice::read (QFile, ":/qss/soundswitch.qss"): device not open FORCING SWAP INTERVAL = 1 FORCING SWAP INTERVAL = 1 [11 Oct/24 11:32:18.862 -04:00] [thread 570] [mainwindow.cpp:977] operator()(): Use sceneIndex for performance mode: 1 SoundSwitch.Communication: wait for connection... fixture list size in the venue: 2 position list size in the venue: 12 [11 Oct/24 11:32:19.303 -04:00] [thread 570] [SoundSwitchDoc.cpp:1293] LoadLightingTrack(): track file not found: /media/az01-internal/SoundSwitchData/dynamic/.ssfile [11 Oct/24 11:32:19.303 -04:00] [thread 570] [SoundSwitchDoc.cpp:1293] LoadLightingTrack(): track file not found: /media/az01-internal/SoundSwitchData/dynamic/.ssfile stateMap onConnected: [11 Oct/24 11:32:19.895 -04:00] [thread 570] [SoundSwitchDoc.cpp:1293] LoadLightingTrack(): track file not found: /media/az01-internal/SoundSwitchData/dynamic/.ssfile [11 Oct/24 11:32:19.896 -04:00] [thread 570] [SoundSwitchDoc.cpp:1293] LoadLightingTrack(): track file not found: /media/az01-internal/SoundSwitchData/dynamic/.ssfile
Last modified: 05 December 2024