Denon Reverse Engineering
This contains a bunch of information about Engine OS, Engine Desktop, and SoundSwitch. with a primary focus on the Denon Prime Go.
Data for other devices can be found on Brands.
If you want any additional information about a particular thing, file an issue request at the Github Repository. I'll try my best to help out.
If you know additional information that you'd like documented, feel free to file a pull request on the repository, or file an issue.
Other Noteworthy Repositories
- Firmware researchicedream/denon-prime4
- More firmware researchMixxx Documentation - The Engine library format
- C++ library to modify Engine librariesTheKikGen/MPC-LiveXplore
- Akai (owned by same parent company)Live
technical explorationsTheKikGen/MPC-LiveXplore-bootstrap
- Akai (owned by same parent company)Live
tools and precompiled binaries and scriptsmpcimg
- Python script to extract and recompile firmware (working on my own, more modular system for this)Unbricking inMusic Products - Useful information to unbrick devices
MPC Live Internals detailed information about the Akai MPC live
Tadeáš Miňha's research into the Akai MPC live. This includes board images, boot logs, etc.